Art for the thirsty.
Rejuvenation, contemplation, worship and learning - that is what my studio time is for me. It "Quenches" a thirst within. Creativity is a part of who I am - it is in my DNA because I was designed by the "Ultimate Creator," and so were you.
I love using colour and texture to express challenges, meaningful thoughts, or moments of my life, that are often inspired by a song lyric, prayer, verse, or aspiration, that is resonating deep within me. I thirst to learn and explore with new techniques and mediums, making each piece I create truly unique.
As you peruse my site, drink it in. May it quench a thirst within you, and encourage you to pour out refreshment to others through your gifts, talents and strengths.
From one thirsty soul to another.

You are not the product of a divine cookie cutter!
Everything about you - your gifts, abilities, passions, interests and calling - were all given to you by God to fulfill a special purpose. Don't doubt yourself, your calling, or God's ability to do, through you, more than you can ever think or imagine.
Live out your purpose!